I am currently a creative director at 72andsunny la
Before I knew advertising was a thing, my first loves were words and stories.
My professional path has taken me through assistant-producing BBC radio shows, teaching kids how to read at a high school, creating an educational program for an online game, occasionally using my Journalism degree to interview popstars and a few other random places in between before carving out a career in advertising.
Teenage supermarket gigs not included, writing (and dreaming, maybe?) is the thread weaving all of these jobs together. Constantly curious, I am always searching for the story, or trying to discover the way to make the story connect as humanly as possible.
This approach to work has seen me doing everything from helping Nike write a book for new runners, creating an award-winning escape room for Amazon, and interviewing Stonewall survivors for Pride.
When I’m not trying to make campaigns that make you feel, I’m doing other things I’m passionate about. Like, the yearly publication I co-founded and creative direct, Plantain Papers. And In For 13, the initiative I’m involved in inviting the advertising industry to get more Black people in leadership by 2023.
Or…I spend the rest of my spare time being bossed around by a 25lb puppy, and reminding everyone (including myself—mostly myself) to prioritize a little self-care daily.
Get in touch via tahirah.edwardsbyfield@gmail.com